Newsletter 2 – July 2024
Welcome to the second issue of the PACE Newsletter!
This newsletter aims to share updates and insights on data protection in the context of civil enforcement, tailored for enforcement agents, judicial officers, and GDPR experts across the European Union and candidate countries. Stay tuned for the latest project activities, including cross-border training events, resources on GDPR procedures, and more.
Recent achievements
Train the Trainers Workshop
We are excited to announce the successful completion of the Train-the-Trainers (TtT) workshop, held online, over 3 days (12, 13, 14 February 2024).
The aim of the workshop, which brought together 33 trainers from across the EU, was to create multipliers of knowledge, by providing a critical core of enforcement agents with in-depth knowledge on (a) applicable framework and challenges faced by bailiffs in the EU when applying the relevant standards in civil enforcement, (b) judicial training methodologies for the effective training of justice professionals, which will allow the use of the PACE methodology and outputs to train their peers beyond the scope of the project.
Participants also engaged in curriculum development and helped co-develop the training package for the transnational training activities. This was approached through a multidisciplinary methodology, emphasizing the transmission of knowledge and skills, the exchange of experiences and the study of practical examples of real cases.

Transnational synchronous training webinars
Furthermore, we are excited to announce that the first three out of ten 2-day transnational synchronous training webinars were organized online, covering a total of eight countries (Greece, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Portugal and Italy) and more than 340 participants.
The webinars focused on delivering knowledge and practical guidance on the applicable data protection framework through practice-oriented, participatory exercises and national breakout rooms. They were co-delivered by the TC members and the trainers trained in the TtT workshops, whereas easy linguistic access was secured through simultaneous interpretation during the plenary sessions.

Upcoming Transnational synchronous training webinars dates
Are you a judicial officer/enforcement agent/data protection officer or judicial trainer involved in civil enforcement, interested in participating in the upcoming transnational synchronous training webinars? Please sign up:
Group 4: Germany, Austria – 5-6th September:
Group 5: Belgium (Dutch speaking), Netherlands –
12-13th September:
Group 6: Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania – 19-20th September:
Group 7: Slovenia, Croatia, Slovakia – 26-27th September:
Group 8: Malta, Republic of Ireland, Cyprus, Spain – 3-4th October:
Group 9: France, Belgium (French speaking), Luxemburg, Romania –
10-11th October:
Group 10: Sweden, Finland, Denmark – 14-15th October:

Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.