The European Sympolity. Toward a New Democratic Discourse

ΔΗΜΗΤΡΗΣ Θ. ΤΣΑΤΣΟΣ,  The European Sympolity. Toward a New Democratic Discourse,  Πρόλογος (GIORGIO NAPOLITANO), εκδ. Bruylant, Bruxelles 2009, 91 σελ.


Foreword………………………………………………………. ix 


I. The Debate……………………………………………………..1 

II. Structure of the Argument………………………………….7 

III. Democracy as a Reference Point……………………….11 

IV. Europe as a Unique Historico-Political Space…………23 

V. The Need for a European Post Statist Theory…………29 

VI. The Post-Statist Theory of Democracy 
and the European Sympolity…………………………………41 

VII. Applying the Post-Statist Theory of Democracy……59 

VIII. Democracy Versus Efficiency in Europe? ………….71 

IX. The European Political Parties: Issues 
of Institutional Compatibility…………………………………85 

X. Postscript: Food for Thought……………………………..89