Approximation of Competition Rules, Russian Federation

June 2005 – December 2006

EuropeAid 119637/C/SV/RU

The project aim to support the development of the Russian competition regulatory framework, its progressive approximation to EU competition rules, in line with PCA commitments and in the perspective of a Common Economic Space, the reinforcement of the institutional and judicial capac-ity of Russian competition authorities, raise awareness and understanding by economic and policy stakeholders of the benefit of efficient competi-tion rules and promote cooperation with EU competition authorities.Competition rules, under the project, cover all sectors of the Russian sys-tem corresponding to the notion of competition under EU rules, e.g. abuses of dominant position, agreements and concerted actions, mergers and acquisitions, state aid control, regulation of ‘natural monopolies’.

Implementing Institutions

  • European Profiles SA, Greece
  • Emerging Markets Group sprl, Belgium
  • Altair Asesores, Spain
  • Center for European Constitutional Law
  • Information-Consulting Center “Business-Tezaurus”, Russian