Thematic legal study on national human rights institutions and human rights organisations in the member states – Greece

June 2008 – September 2008

FRA 2-2007-3100-01, Lot 6: Greece

The main objective of this thematic study is to provide country specific information and data on fully accredited national human rights institutions (“NHRI”) and other independent public human rights bodies. The study focuses on the guarantees of independence and pluralism of these institutions, their mandate and the human rights areas covered, monitoring and reporting mechanisms, their advisory functions, research, cooperation with Civil Society, the promotion of International Treaties, human rights education and awareness raising, complaint procedures etc. 
In addition the study attempts to identify relevant “good practice”, namely provisions, measures, projects and other initiatives, which have been proven to be particularly effective and/or innovative and could serve as model. National studies will constitute the main background material for the comparative analysis at the level of EU member states.

Implementing Institutions

  • Centre for European Constitutional Law
  • “Antigone” – Information and Documentation Centre on racism, ecology, peace and non violence