Gender Impact Assessment System Design and assessment of 100 legislative and regulatory acts

October 2012 – October 2013

Ministry of Interior – Secretariat for Gender Equality

Gender impact assessment is a ’tool’ for gender mainstreaming that can be used when designing and evaluating legislation, in order to identify its direct and indirect impacts on gender equality and guide corrective action to legislative choices that promote gender equality. The objective of the project is to design a gender impact assessment system in order to detect (ex-ante, concurrently and ex-post) the impact of legal and regulatory provisions on gender equality. The proposed methodology will be piloted on a sample of 100 representative legislative and regulatory acts or provisions. Based on the results of this assessment, simplification and recasting proposals will be made.

Type of services provided

  • Business plan (methodology, human resources, tools, timetable)
  • Study on the national, European and international experience in gender impact assessment 
  • Methodology for the selection of the sample of acts/provisions for the pilot application of the methodology 
  • Development of gender impact assessment methodology and tool, including manual and IT data base
  • Pilot Impact assessment of the selected 100 provisions/acts 
  • Proposals on institutional and organizational regulations for the implementation of the gender impact assessment system

To visit the individual web-page of this project please click here.

Implementing Institutions

  • Centre for European Constitutional Law