The Center for Security Studies (KEMEA), in cooperation with the National Centre for Social Solidarity (EKKA), the Centre for European Constitutional Law – Themistocles and Dimitris Tsatsos Foundation, the Vienna Centre for Societal Security – VICESSE (Austria) and the Pravo I Internet Foundation (Bulgaria) are implementing the, co-funded by the EU project, entitled “A4: Crossing borders for effective police investigation to protect women victims of sexual abuse and strengthen accountability mechanisms”. Its general objective is to combat impunity for all actors involved in trafficking of human beings, in particular women and girls who are sexually exploited, and to strengthen the protection of women/girls who are victims of trafficking through a resilient police-led mechanism at the south-eastern border of the EU. Thus, a cross-border alliance has been formed, which will benefit from the exchange of knowledge and good practices between 3 Member States with a key common characteristic: low conviction rates for human trafficking and other related offences (Austria, Bulgaria, Greece).
A4 will work closely with LEAs, police commanders, lawyers, border guards, custom and passport control officers to develop and implement the project’s research output. The consortium will leverage on stakeholders’ participation to extend A4’s network and bring together a cross-disciplinary and international community involved in combating sex trafficking of women and girls.
Project’s duration: 01.03.2021 – 28.02.2023

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